Curoverse Cloud provides Arvados through a Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solution running in the cloud. It only takes a moment to . With your account, you can upload up to 1 TB of data and use 100 hours of compute per month. (If you need more storage or compute capacity for your trial, feel free to ) You also have access to public data sets, including data from Harvard PGP and 1000 Genomes, so you can try the system even without uploading data. You’ll find a variety of pipelines that have already been implemented, and it’s easy to create your own pipelines. It will only take you a few minutes to sign up and run your first pipeline.
Curoverse Cluster supports running Arvados in your own data center with your own servers or on hyperconverged appliances we provide or on your own hardware. If you’re considering an on-premise deployment of Arvados, this pilot program is a great way to get started. It’s fully supported, and we’ll work with you every step of the way from planning to deployment to operation to evaluation. The Curoverse Cluster pilot program is already being rolled out at major institutions around the world.
Arvados is free and open source software. We don’t use proprietary software in our services. We simply make it easy for you to use Arvados in the cloud or in your datacenter. You can get involved with the open source project at , and you can download the code from . If you want to run a development version on your desktop, there is an option for that using Docker.
If you sign up for the beta, you’re guaranteed six months of free usage. We plan to start charging for Curoverse Cloud in the second half of 2015. We expect to offer highly competitive pricing including per pipeline run and predictable monthly subscriptions. For on-premise deployments, we’ll offer the Curoverse Operations Subscription, which is similar to Red Hat subscriptions. If you want a price quote before you try the beta, please
We look forward to hearing your feedback on the beta. Please don’t hesitate to suggest ideas for new features! Also, you can join our development team on if you have any questions. You can also contact us directly at
]]>Understanding and getting excited about with people, awesome! — Guillermo Carrasco (@guillemch)
Our engineering team really enjoys answering your technical questions. If you’d like to chat with them, you can find them .
Additionally, we’re proud that a BOSC talk submitted by Brett Smith, one of our engineers, was accepted for the conference. You can watch it here!
[Image at left by , used under CC BY-SA 2.o license.]
]]>Dr. Datta’s comments focused on the challenges of data and analysis provenance — simply the difficulty of being able to know where a piece of data or code came from, and how it was produced. She also pointed to the struggles to make data and computation interoperate across institutions, or even across labs within the same institution.
Dr. Zaranek predicted a move from legacy High Performance Computing environments to private clouds based on free & open source software in combination with off-the-shelf hardware. Other industries, such as web and financial services made this transition many years ago, saving billions of dollars and achieving scale much more rapidly. For biomedical, doing so would require moving to a single open bioinformatics platform not owned by a single company or institution.
In Q&A, one audience member asked how to create standardization across the industry, the way the did for the semantic web. Dr. Zaranek compared bodies such as the recently-launched Global Alliance for Genomics and Health to the W3C, as two industry-wide bodies that are each focused on crafting sustainable industry strategies. (Curoverse is a partner in the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health.)
[Image at left by , used under CC BY-SA 2.o license.]
Learn more about the Arvados open source project at .
By Ben Fidler, Xconomy
By Uduak Grace Thomas, GenomeWeb Bioinform
By Aaron Krol, Bio-IT World
By Nick Paul Taylor, FierceBiotechIT
By Glyn Moody, Computerworld UK
By Brian Gormley, VentureWire
By Christina Farr, VentureBeat
By Lauren Landry, BostInno
Photo credit:
]]>Today, we’re also announcing our seed financing round, officially announcing the Arvados open source project, and beginning the private beta for our platform-as-a-service. Of course, there is more to come in 2014 when we start launching products. Take a look at the press release for the full announcement.
We changed our name from Clinical Future to Curoverse because we found that our old name was confusing. (People thought we were a clinic.) As the universe of genomic and biomedical data expands, we believe that the name Curoverse better reflects that we provide the computational storage infrastructure researchers and clinicians will use to usher in a new era of precision medicine.
Today is also the official announcement of the Arvados free and open source software initiative. Many of you have become familiar with Arvados since its informal launch in April. When you visit the Arvados site, you’ll see new content and branding. You’ll also meet our new mascot, Dax!
We plan to support Arvados through a variety of products. The first is a platform-as-a-service (PaaS), and today we’ve begun the private beta program for that service. If you’d like to try Arvados you can apply on the home page.
We look forward to working with you more in the coming year.